DX- #1 - What the hell is DX...
- #2 - I have a productive day when...
- #3 - Developer eXperience is about interaction and empathy
- #4 - npm install connects your API to millions of developers
- #5 - Myth of a 10x engineer - artisans rather than machines with multipliers.
- #6 - Show the result I can create with your API as a selling argument
- #7 - Technical strategy options of Developer eXperience driven growth
- #8 - Poor documentation is the most common reason to ditch your API.
- #9 - Machine-readable API specifications are part of the documentation not contracts
- #10 - Runnable code examples, consoles and API client environments
- #11 - Draw me a developer
- #12 - As a developer I need to be aware of breaking changes or death
- #13 - What happened to open source?
- #14 - Managing internal and external developer experience in platform DX development
- #15 - Great Developer eXperience makes the platform tick
- #16 - Old school command-line interface generates value for developers and business
- #17 - Focus on developer creates industry top 1 percent APIs
- #18 - Bad Developer eXperience is the Joker of the API Economy
- #19 - Developer eXperience 2.0
- #20 - Focus transfer towards sandboxes and code examples
- #21 - Six shooter requirements for DX from consumer's perspective
- #22 - Is it App, API or Integration?
- #23 - SLA from developer’s point of view
- #24 - Trial,freemium, pay-as-you-go... which one to choose?
- #25 - Let's play API darts!
- #26 - When shit hits the fan error messages should come to the rescue
- #27 - You don’t know the power of the dark side
- #28 - Avoid chattiness in REST APIs
- #29 - Full stack Developer eXperience
- #30 - Camels and Snakes of the Developer eXperience
- #31 - Investors love developer-centric approach
- #32 - Standardization drives better internal and external developer experience
- #33 - You've got mail
- #34 - Diamond Developer eXperience with help of the Developer Personas
- #35 - To guide or not to guide, that is the question
- #36 - Video guides for the Millennials
- #37 - DX vs UX - Battle or Middle Ground?
- #38 - Great sustainable DX is built with plethora of skills and disciplines
- #39 - Subscription model as business and data stream is your API's future
- #40 - None Shall Escape the API Design - not even GraphQL
- #41 - The mythical code generation
- #42 - Compared to B2C customers, developers are more capable to survive gaps
- #43 - Advance with small experimentations and you'll be surprised
- #44 - What does ethnography have to do with the Developer eXperience?
- #45 - Discovery of tools, APIs, test setups and libraries
- #46 - Developer eXperience strategy
- #47 - Open source sample apps go beyond code examples
- #48 - Developer Relations funnels feedback, drives engagement and sales
- #49 - Documentation-driven API development process
- #50 - Use APIs to ensure agility in architecture
- #51 - Help the developers to avoid mistakes
- #52 - From Zero to Hero in minutes
- #53 - Don't make me jump through hurdles to communicate with you
- #54 - Dopamine factory for the developers
- #55 - Status page is for sales, marketing, consumers and internal developers
- #56 - I'm in pain! Here's the symptoms
- #57 - Use Design-First When Developer Experience Matters
- #58 - Getting your organisation ready for API-first
- #59 - Mysterious headers and rate limiting
- #60 - Slaughtering Developer eXperience with antipatterns
- #61 - API analogies to onboard marketing and business to API products
- #62 - Cornerstones of great API design are not technical
- #63 - Continuous feedback with Github for API docs
- #64 - You pay for the access
- #65 - Unleash the hackers!
- #66(6) - Migration to new API version
- #67 - Developer eXperience maturity model
- #68 - Natural language driven API documentation
- #69 - Accurate and detailed documentation among top requirements
- #70 - API design maintainability
- #71 - API Design guide would be the configuration for the API Design tool
- #72 - Living, Breathing and Communicating Developer Persona
- #73 - Experimental machine-readable API Design Guide with OpenAPI spec
- #74 - Fellow developers between you and the platform
- #75 - 38% of developers directly approve technology purchases
- #76 - Doctor of Developer eXperience
- #77 - Simplified Presentation of Design Driven API Development
- #78 - Build API for a purpose but how to get started?
- #79 - Semantics matter
- #80 - Four data driven ideas for improving API documentation
- #81 - Should We Move to Stack Overflow?
- #82 - Purpose of API Evaluation Framework
- #83 - The Space of API Design Decisions is missing
- #84 - Theory of Economics of Developer eXperience
- #85 - Great Developer eXperience requires fluent internal workflow
- #86 - 95% of variation in the performance of a system is caused by the system itself
- #87 - Road to libraries driven solution
- #88 - A good API is not just easy to use but also hard to misuse
- #89 - Success measured from two perspectives - devrel and API as a Product
- #90 - Developer relations' role in development and sales
- #91 - Return of the (Library) Jedi
- #92 - Developer productivity perceptions by the developers
- #93 - Most relevant factors of intrinsic motivation and flow state experience to developer experience.
- #94 - Machine readable Open API spec compatible SLA definition
- #95 - Exploring the multilevel nature of API Design Guides
- #96 - Embracing open source community driven tools development
- #97 - Lightweight API evaluation framework
- #98 - Invalid Open API spec files ruins the developer experience
- #99 - Hackers - the top 1% of engineers
- #100 - The biggest open resource on Developer eXperience so far
definition100DaysDX- #1 - What the hell is DX...
- #2 - I have a productive day when...
- #3 - Developer eXperience is about interaction and empathy
- #4 - npm install connects your API to millions of developers
- #5 - Myth of a 10x engineer - artisans rather than machines with multipliers.
- #6 - Show the result I can create with your API as a selling argument
- #7 - Technical strategy options of Developer eXperience driven growth
- #8 - Poor documentation is the most common reason to ditch your API.
- #9 - Machine-readable API specifications are part of the documentation not contracts
- #10 - Runnable code examples, consoles and API client environments
- #11 - Draw me a developer
- #12 - As a developer I need to be aware of breaking changes or death
- #13 - What happened to open source?
- #14 - Managing internal and external developer experience in platform DX development
- #14 - Managing internal and external developer experience in platform DX development
- #15 - Great Developer eXperience makes the platform tick
- #16 - Old school command-line interface generates value for developers and business
- #17 - Focus on developer creates industry top 1 percent APIs
- #18 - Bad Developer eXperience is the Joker of the API Economy
- #19 - Developer eXperience 2.0
- #20 - Focus transfer towards sandboxes and code examples
- #21 - Six shooter requirements for DX from consumer's perspective
- #22 - Is it App, API or Integration?
- #23 - SLA from developer’s point of view
- #24 - Trial,freemium, pay-as-you-go... which one to choose?
- #25 - Let's play API darts!
- #26 - When shit hits the fan error messages should come to the rescue
- #27 - You don’t know the power of the dark side
- #28 - Avoid chattiness in REST APIs
- #29 - Full stack Developer eXperience
- #30 - Camels and Snakes of the Developer eXperience
- #31 - Investors love developer-centric approach
- #32 - Standardization drives better internal and external developer experience
- #33 - You've got mail
- #34 - Diamond Developer eXperience with help of the Developer Personas
- #35 - To guide or not to guide, that is the question
- #36 - Video guides for the Millennials
- #37 - DX vs UX - Battle or Middle Ground?
- #38 - Great sustainable DX is built with plethora of skills and disciplines
- #39 - Subscription model as business and data stream is your API's future
- #40 - None Shall Escape the API Design - not even GraphQL
- #41 - The mythical code generation
- #42 - Compared to B2C customers, developers are more capable to survive gaps
- #43 - Advance with small experimentations and you'll be surprised
- #44 - What does ethnography have to do with the Developer eXperience?
- #45 - Discovery of tools, APIs, test setups and libraries
- #46 - Developer eXperience strategy
- #47 - Open source sample apps go beyond code examples
- #48 - Developer Relations funnels feedback, drives engagement and sales
- #49 - Documentation-driven API development process
- #50 - Use APIs to ensure agility in architecture
- #51 - Help the developers to avoid mistakes
- #52 - From Zero to Hero in minutes
- #53 - Don't make me jump through hurdles to communicate with you
- #54 - Dopamine factory for the developers
- #55 - Status page is for sales, marketing, consumers and internal developers
- #56 - I'm in pain! Here's the symptoms
- #57 - Use Design-First When Developer Experience Matters
- #58 - Getting your organisation ready for API-first
- #59 - Mysterious headers and rate limiting
- #60 - Slaughtering Developer eXperience with antipatterns
- #61 - API analogies to onboard marketing and business to API products
- #62 - Cornerstones of great API design are not technical
- #63 - Continuous feedback with Github for API docs
- #64 - You pay for the access
- #65 - Unleash the hackers!
- #66(6) - Migration to new API version
- #67 - Developer eXperience maturity model
- #68 - Natural language driven API documentation
- #69 - Accurate and detailed documentation among top requirements
- #70 - API design maintainability
- #71 - API Design guide would be the configuration for the API Design tool
- #72 - Living, Breathing and Communicating Developer Persona
- #73 - Experimental machine-readable API Design Guide with OpenAPI spec
- #74 - Fellow developers between you and the platform
- #75 - 38% of developers directly approve technology purchases
- #76 - Doctor of Developer eXperience
- #77 - Simplified Presentation of Design Driven API Development
- #78 - Build API for a purpose but how to get started?
- #79 - Semantics matter
- #80 - Four data driven ideas for improving API documentation
- #81 - Should We Move to Stack Overflow?
- #82 - Purpose of API Evaluation Framework
- #83 - The Space of API Design Decisions is missing
- #84 - Theory of Economics of Developer eXperience
flowproductivemanager damageempathyconsolestriperunkitshopifypostmancatalogueNPMPypilibrary10xartisanvalue propositiontext-to-speechamazongooglefreemiumstrategySDKLibraryCLIPluginGrowthCode examplesGetting startedProcessDocumentation- #8 - Poor documentation is the most common reason to ditch your API.
- #21 - Six shooter requirements for DX from consumer's perspective
- #43 - Advance with small experimentations and you'll be surprised
- #49 - Documentation-driven API development process
- #51 - Help the developers to avoid mistakes
- #68 - Natural language driven API documentation
- #69 - Accurate and detailed documentation among top requirements
- #80 - Four data driven ideas for improving API documentation
- #81 - Should We Move to Stack Overflow?
- #97 - Lightweight API evaluation framework
- #98 - Invalid Open API spec files ruins the developer experience
B2DdocumentationslateswaggeropenapiRAMLInsomniaPostmanStripeRunkitStack OverflowlifelonglearningYoutubeBastardsInnovatorEarly AdopterChangeVersioningRetirementSunsetDeprecationOpen sourceOpenAPIPlatformAWSInternal DXExternal DXGithubVideoPlatform of Trust- #15 - Great Developer eXperience makes the platform tick
- #17 - Focus on developer creates industry top 1 percent APIs
- #35 - To guide or not to guide, that is the question
- #36 - Video guides for the Millennials
- #41 - The mythical code generation
- #43 - Advance with small experimentations and you'll be surprised
- #48 - Developer Relations funnels feedback, drives engagement and sales
- #56 - I'm in pain! Here's the symptoms
jqcURLCIGitTerraformcommand-linePipingcustomer-centricproduct-centricdeveloper-centricDocuSignJokerBad codeBusinessSurveyDefinitionFlow stateTeamQualitysanboxcode exampleIDEcodepenjsfiddledeveloper portalPatternStandardsReliabilitySelf-serviceDesign- #21 - Six shooter requirements for DX from consumer's perspective
- #34 - Diamond Developer eXperience with help of the Developer Personas
- #40 - None Shall Escape the API Design - not even GraphQL
- #49 - Documentation-driven API development process
- #51 - Help the developers to avoid mistakes
- #56 - I'm in pain! Here's the symptoms
- #57 - Use Design-First When Developer Experience Matters
- #58 - Getting your organisation ready for API-first
- #59 - Mysterious headers and rate limiting
- #62 - Cornerstones of great API design are not technical
- #70 - API design maintainability
- #71 - API Design guide would be the configuration for the API Design tool
- #77 - Simplified Presentation of Design Driven API Development
- #82 - Purpose of API Evaluation Framework
- #83 - The Space of API Design Decisions is missing
PusherIntegrationAppBouzaVPISLAAvailabilityLatencyPass ratebusinesstrialsubscriptionPartner APIOpen APIPublic APIInternal APIErrorhttp status codesDark themeReadabilityCodeResearchChatty APIChunky APINetflixHATEOASMicrosoftFullstackReactNodeInvestorDesign GuideStandardSubcontractorInternalExternalFeedbackChannelsEmailPhoneFormsSocial mediaPersonasStrategySoftEmpathyUXGuideQuickstartReadmeteamworkDisciplineHolistic DX360 DXSubscribeTierVoiRESTMQTTCustomerGraphQLCode generationdeveloperB2CToolsIterationExperimentationCommunicationethnographyDeveloperRegistryAPI catalogpiprapidapiapis.guruDevelopmentCustomer-centricWorkflowSalesEngagementDevRelMarketingChampionEvangelistFlippedDocumentation-firstInternal APISarchitectureAPIZuoraHubspotSubscriptionMistakeAnalyseHello WorldExpressSupportStatuspageFunnelFlowDopamineStagesCziksentmihalyiOperationsMonitoringSlackIterativeIntuitiveAssethttpRFCAntipatternHypermediaRestaurantChildrenAPI managementPower socketAnalogyImplementationGuidelinesCognitive burdenCognitive dimensions frameworkGithbutAutomationFreeTemplateSolutionBusiness modelValue proposition interfacePay-as-you-goHackerBountyOWASPSecurityHackeroneHackr.fiVersionMigrationBlackoutTheoryAcademicRichardson Maturity ModelProduct-centricDeveloper-centricTechno-centricNLPGeneratedMachine learningSmartbearOASState of API ReportDesign-firstDfMMaintainabilityPersonaTeijaZapierIssueWishOpenAPI specSwaggerhubAPI Design Guidemachine-readableconfigurationDesign toolDeveloper relationsFellowPeerPassionScaleDoctor of Developer eXperienceAPI DevelopmentModelGet startedPurposesemanticsDesign-DrivenSpec-drivenContract-drivenData-drivenImprovementDwollaDocusignGoogleFoursquareCognitive DimensionsPeer reviewAPI profile dimensionstext analysisEconomics of Developer eXperienceDesign-FirstMockupDemingsystemPipSendGridMurphy's lawFinagle's lawAnalysisState of developer relations 2019The State of API 2019TeamsBack to the futureProductivityProductiveSwaggerWSDLWSDAWS AgreementManagementToolRisksNielsenEvaluationErrorsSendgridTop developersEmpiricalUnicornProductResourceSummaryAPItalist